parhai buddy

The future of Parhai is AI


Maths, General Scinece, Biology, Chemistry and Physics

What is Parhai with AI


What Features
does our engine provide?

AI-driven learning for Grades 6-10, Math, General Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics

Thousands of videos, games and assessments

Detailed skills-based progress reports

What benefits does our system provide?

24x7 study

You can study at your own pace

Analyze performance

Our AI engine analyze your performance and adjust your pathway

Personal learning pathway

Parhai Buddy will create a customize path for you

Fast track your learning

Quickly overcome your learning gaps

Do you want to know
how parhai buddy works?

Learning Analytics

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Learning Analytics

Comprising of data mined from interest rank, performance clustering, learning patterns and data summarization: Interest rank, time spent, skills rank, student rank.

AI Engine

Knowledge graphs using deep learning and recommendation engine model training.

Online learning community

Once you are a member of Parhai Buddy, you will be part of a network comprising of over 100,000 students.


Pricing include all subjects
Trial period FREE
Per Quarter PKR 1,199
Per Two Quarter PKR 2,199
Per Three Quarter PKR 2,999
Per Year PKR 3,599